Back to the Courses!
Academy is set to mix up the curriculum for the 2022-2023 school-year.

The school has recently made changes to the 10/12 curriculum which has prompted many questions from students, especially as the course selection period is quickly approaching. The new curriculum allows students to “cater their schedule more towards the way they want to go in the future, as well as giving them more space to try those classes and see,” Dr. Lenhart explains. It includes new classes and fewer History and World Language requirements. Students now only need 7 credits between English and History instead of 8 and Senior Humanities can now be cross-listed with English. Rotating world languages — Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic — now also require 3 credits instead of 4. There are also 4 new history electives: World Religions, History through Sports, The Red Dragon Awakens: China and the World, and Indigenous History in Comparative Context. These electives can be taken for advanced credit if a student chooses to complete a Capstone project, a research initiative that requires a paper, and an in-class presentation. Students who are interested in art and technology will now also be able to take Foundations in Art with a technology focus, and new science electives will be available. There will also be an Acting for the Camera class and an Introduction to Engineering Class available next year. These changes were made to allow students more control over their schedules and stress levels. While most of the options for classes still exist, students can now take classes more specific to their interests. These changes also match the general requirements of other public and independent schools in the area and fit the state’s requirements. Considering course selection fast approaching, Ms. Lipkowitz recommends that students “read the curriculum more carefully than they have in the past” while looking “for new ways to stretch themselves and try new things.” Because these new changes allow students to focus on their interests, it is also recommended that students should consult with their advisors, parents, and college guidance counselors to fit their schedules to their needs.
This article was edited on 1/31 for English requirement clarifications.
Liz Payne • Jan 30, 2022 at 2:50 pm
Just a quick point of clarification: there are not fewer English requirements. English requirements have not changed. There is still a four-credit requirement for English (English I, English II, Advanced English III, and Advanced English IV).
The history requirement dropped from 4 to 3, and we cross-listed Senior Hums (and changed the writing requirements some), so it can now be taken as one of the Advanced English IV options.
Stop by and see me if you have any questions.
Ms. Payne