Mandalorian star Gina Carano fired

What will happen to Gina Carano’s character, Cara Dune, in the show?


It will be devastating for many Mandalorian fans to hear that the actress Gina Carano will not be returning to the Star Wars universe after making a controversial post on Instagram. This was the latest in a string of social media posts dating back to September, that angered people and began a call for her to be fired. Finally, some people got their wish, and Carano was removed from the show. But will Cara Dune be recast? What were the responses of those who didn’t want her to be fired?

Gina Carano has always been vocal about her opinion on social media. Carano’s recent controversial post on her Instagram story reflected her political opinions, expressing that Republicans in the US are similar to Jews during the Holocaust. As the post grew in notoriety, she deleted it from her story. Twitter stans were quick enough to screenshot and repost the tweet. A Lucasfilm spokesperson commented that “[her] social media posts [are] denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities, [which is] abhorrent and unacceptable.” 

One of her upsetting social media actions was when she changed her bio and added the “pronouns” beep/bop/boop. This agitated many people as well, for they claimed she was mocking transgender people. It is common for transgender and cis-gendered people to put their pronouns in their bios to avoid getting misgendered. After much hate, she later posted that “beep/bop/boop” had nothing to do with mocking transgender people. She also claimed that her co-star Pedro Pascal was helping her understand why people put them in her bios. But many people didn’t buy this and claimed it was an act to cover up her actions. 

She also commented on anti-mask wearing. She one time posted a photo of two men, each with their masks over their eyes. Mocking a breaking news report, this post said “Breaking News Democrat government leaders now recommend we all wear blindfolds along with masks so we can’t see what’s really going on.” Many people took this post as Carano mocking mask-wearing, as well. Not only did she do this, but she also posted various other things including false statements about election fraud, back at the end of the election. She also posted “society told you to ‘be yourself’,” then later added, “no not like that.” Another post refers to the death of Jeffrey Epstein, as Carano claimed that “Jeff Epstein didn’t kill himself.” This continued to anger many people and was a prelude to her removal from The Mandalorian. 

A source with knowledge of Lucasfilm’s thinking claimed that “they have been looking for a reason to fire her for two months” because of her unacceptable behavior and posts. The most recent one “was the final straw.” Before she was fired, the Hashtag #FireGinaCarano made a reappearance and was trending. It is commonly thought that Lucasfilm mainly fired her because of the fans demanding her removal from the show. Gina Carano had many other close calls and posts before this though. It was these close calls that put her job on the line and made Star Wars have a reason to want to fire her. 

Although many wanted her fired, many people also supported her posts. After Lucasfilm fired her, the hashtag #CancelDisneyPlus was popular on Twitter. Using this hashtag many people claim that they are done with Disney+ and are going to cancel their subscription. This is an act of protest to try and get Carano rehired. When asked about her possible return in the future, a spokesman for Lucasfilm said,  “there are no plans…”.

So what will happen to Gina Carano’s character, Cara Dune, in the show? Many people assume that the role of Cara Dune will just be recast, but sadly, that’s not the case. Lucasfilm has not discussed how the character’s storyline will proceed. What will come of the situation still remains unpredictable, but it’s for certain that Gina Carano will not make an appearance in The Mandalorian: Season 3.