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The Student News Site of Albuquerque Academy

The Advocate

The Student News Site of Albuquerque Academy

The Advocate

The Student News Site of Albuquerque Academy

The Advocate

6/7 Student Council Has Been Revived

6/7 Student Council Has Been Revived

Vinh Tran ’29, Writer December 8, 2023

Everyone has heard about the 8-9 Student Council and its 10-12 counterpart, but the 6-7 division’s council has been dormant since 2014 because the previous teacher who set it up, Ms. Fichuk, retired...

Artificial Intelligence in Schools, a Double-edged Sword

Artificial Intelligence in Schools, a Double-edged Sword

Kashvi Rai ’28, Writer October 12, 2023

It’s been a year since ChatGPT and its peers, such as Bard and laMDA, were released to the public. These forms of generative AI are known as large language models, or LLMs, trained by data sets to...

Student Council Helps Make 8/9 a Great Place

Student Council Helps Make 8/9 a Great Place

Bea Busby ’28, Writer May 22, 2023

The 8-9 Student Council is a leadership group that Albuquerque Academy founded in 2017. Before the 8-9 Student Council was created, the 8-9 division had both a student senate, which dealt more with changing...

6-7 Take on RULER

6-7 Take on RULER

Kashvi Rai ’28 and Bea Busby ’28 April 13, 2023

This school year, 6-7 students have been introduced to Albuquerque Academy’s new social-emotional learning (SEL) program, RULER. On almost every day 4, students meet up with their families to try new...

Halie Leland: Karate Kid

Halie Leland: Karate Kid

Marly Fisher ’23 December 15, 2022

Halie Leland ‘23 is a mystery. Found scribbling poetic musings in her humanities class or ripping it up on the slopes of Taos Ski Valley, she seems to harbor a smile full of secrets. As I took a deep...

An overview of the Common Grounds Cafe.

The Common Grounds: A Café Review

Delaney Wagner ’27, Writer February 2, 2022

Common Grounds has been a new thing for all of us. Whether you didn’t get to eat breakfast, or you have some time to hang out after school, the cafe is a cool place.  Since there was a lot of buzz in...


Bring Back Senior Humanities?

Audrey Brunner ’22, Writer December 16, 2021

“For more than 60 years, [Albuquerque Academy] has offered an education that broadens perspectives, sharpens minds, strengthens bodies, and engages hearts.” When you visit the Albuquerque Academy website,...

All School Awards Ceremony

All School Awards Ceremony

Uzair Hammad ’24, Editor in Chief May 21, 2021

The All-School Awards Ceremony was held on May 20, and like all things this year, it looked a little different than in years past. Due to the need to limit crowd size, students and faculty receiving awards...

DECA Success

DECA Success

Elizabeth Hiller ’25, Writer March 16, 2021

Amidst online learning and the chaos of Covid 19, the Albuquerque Academy DECA team has had a wildly successful year. DECA is an international business competition for high school and collegiate students....

Asian-American Discrimination during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Asian-American Discrimination during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Noor Ali ’23, Features Editor March 12, 2021

The recent rise in anti-Asian American violence has redefined the narrative surrounding the Asian identity in the United States. In a year where social justice issues are at the forefront of national discussions,...

Clean up your social media habits with The Advocate's helpful tips

Clean up your social media habits with The Advocate’s helpful tips

Academy Staff February 22, 2018

It’s that time of year where, amid schoolwork, stress, and candy-themed holidays, New Year’s resolutions tend to get left in the dust. But you don’t need to relegate cleaning up your life to January,...

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