Actors from grades 7-9 presented a spooky performance, Spoon River, a week before Thanksgiving break. Spoon River, a play written by Edgar Lee Masters, is all about ghosts of Spoon River, sharing their...
This year, Albuquerque Academy held its 38th annual 8th grade dig. Hosted by Ms. Lydon, Mr. Pressley, Ms. Suliman, and Dr. Field on October 11th. Most 8th grade history classes went out to the campus...
After an all-American lunch of hot dogs and fries, the annual faculty/student dodgeball game commenced promptly at 11:45 yesterday (9/9/2022) with teachers sitting on the West side of the gym and students...
The Faculty Shine finally happened on Monday, April 11th at common time for the 10-12 Division! Perhaps you read my first article published on April Fool’s Day that previewed the event, or perhaps you...
The open house is back! After having a virtual Open House in 2020 due to Covid, the Academy hosted the event on October 24th. Along the path, clubs and activities were displayed, including Admissions tables,...
On April 30th, the Albuquerque Academy League of Legends Esports team triumphed over Los Alamos and received the 4A NMAA state title. This was Academy's first year at the competition, which made their...
Some of your favorite sports, along with clubs and recreational activities, including hiking in Bear Canyon and using the new bike park, started conducting in-person meetings and practices on Sept.16....
Pancake cereal is just one of the many recipes that have gone viral during quarantine, along with whipped coffee, oreo mug cakes, and many others. These recipes take the internet because of their simplicity,...
A bell jingles as the door is pushed open to the small first room, which houses about eight tables, families of varying sizes at each one. The smell of paint hangs heavy in the air at Art Attack, a local...