Actors from grades 7-9 presented a spooky performance, Spoon River, a week before Thanksgiving break. Spoon River, a play written by Edgar Lee Masters, is all about ghosts of Spoon River, sharing their...
“Big, flashy, sparkly, jazz, loud”
These are just some of the words used by cast members to describe the Albuquerque Academy production of Chicago that debuted for the first time this past weekend....
The student-directed one-act plays annually provide a celebration of the Academy's vibrant theater community. This tradition allows students to showcase their talent across various aspects of production,...
Thespians and theater enthusiasts alike at Academy should be excited for the return of a live in-person performance this week! After nearly two years of suspended and online performances, the Albuquerque...
With everyone coming back to school, it seems like things are finally getting back to normal. One of the reappearances is the annual Spring musical. The Albuquerque Academy theater department has worked...