The Show Must Go On!

An inside look with the directors and cast in upcoming Academy theatrical productions

The cast of Addison Fulton’s All the World’s meet for rehearsal

Murder, betrayal, isolation, humor, and friendship are just some of the themes in the new and unusual student theatrical productions coming soon to Academy audiences. The shows, which will be opening sometime in late October, are unlike any production ever put on by the Academy. Students, writers, and producers have worked with the Performing Arts department to create two fully virtual performances. A Score to Settle, a radio drama, and All the World’s, a one-act play, will most likely be broadcasted through the Academy’s YouTube channel in both live and recorded versions, though the time and manner of their releases are not yet set. There is no doubt that these productions will carry on the Academy’s usual standard of theatrical excellence.

Daniel Viorica ’21, writer and producer of A Score to Settle

Written and produced by Daniel Viorica, A Score to Settle, is an Agatha Christie inspired murder mystery set in 1930s England. Incorporating themes of drama, comedy, and mystery, it tells the tale of a dinner party at a remote woodland mansion wherein guests are forced to root out a killer in their midst when the guest of honor is brutally murdered. “It’s a good show, and I think people will enjoy it,” said Caroline Lutz ‘23, the actress playing Eurydice Cleary, a famously ditzy 1930s actress, in the upcoming production. The show will be produced using an old form of storytelling known as a radio drama. “A radio drama is a form of theater that is conducted entirely through sound,” said Daniel Viorica, writer and director of the show. “There are usually mostly words but they also incorporate music and sound effects to tell a story.” A radio drama is especially suited for the current environment in that it can be recorded and produced without the need for any personal contact amongst cast members. This production, relatively short, and with only five actors, will be released in two episodes, each around 10 – 15 min long. The tentative dates for these releases are: on Friday, October 23, and Friday, October 30. Creating this show has not been an easy task. The cast and crew have had to overcome many difficulties ranging from writing, casting, editing, and recording. “The hardest thing was actually finding the best people while turning away really, really good people” said Viorica. Actors for productions such as this need to portray the same amount of emotion and vigor using only their voice. Despite these difficulties, A Score to Settle is shaping up to be a real hit.

The other production coming this fall is All the World’s. Written and directed by Addison Fulton ‘22, the show follows the story of a blacklisted Shakespearean actor who starts a YouTube channel as a source of revenue.

Addison Fulton ’22, writer and director of All the World’s; courtesy of Emmett van Halm

“It’s supposed to be a somewhat light hearted comedy, but there is a definite sensation of seeking belonging that permeates throughout the entire piece.  [It raises] questions about how much of who you are, are you willing to sacrifice to fit into a community,” said Fulton. All the World’s has been written and produced as a one act play. The show features a cast of three tenth grade actresses, and was shot as a series of vignettes in order to give the audience an effect similar to watching YouTube videos. Though as of now it is unclear exactly where or how this production will be broadcasted, the cast will record their final scene on Monday, Oct 5, and then begin editing and formatting the production for its release sometime after Fall Break. “I wanted to explore the relationship that theater has with the modern world.” said Fulton. That is certainly what she did, overcoming technological difficulties as well as difficulties in transporting props and costumes to individual actors to create what proves to be a spectacular performance.

As far as future productions are concerned, the Performing Arts department has created a plan to release two short, one-act, student written plays per trimester. Future productions will most likely continue in the virtual format, meaning that, unless situations change, there will likely be no fall or spring musicals. One upside to this situation, says Fulton, is that “this year there’s going to be plays being produced and performed throughout the year.” Overall, the innovative efforts of the casts and crews of this year’s theatrical productions have created some unique opportunities to build a sense of community despite social distancing and isolation.  “[Theater] is less about giving something to an audience, but more about forming a relationship with them, because if they don’t watch, then it’s almost as though the creation doesn’t exist. It starts to lose its place in the world. So I think the audience is just as much an essential part of any theatre production as the actors or the writer or the director,” remarked Fulton. Come and support A Score to Settle and All the World’s this fall and help make theater come to life. 

  • Ainara Vecchia ’24

  • The cast of Addison Fulton’s All the World’s meet for rehearsal