Speaking Up: United Voices of Academy Blog
A blog highlighting diverse experiences of students at the Academy.
October 7, 2020
Calling all Academy students! The Advocate is creating a blog called “Speaking Up: United Voices of Academy” and we would like any Academy students to send us submissions answering one of the following question:
- How has your identity (race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, religion) affected your experience at Academy?
Please only speak about your own experience, not anyone else’s. Submissions are not limited to written content; it may come in the form of a video, audio file, drawing or anything that comes to mind! We invite you to be as creative as you would like in hopes of fostering an inclusive, safe environment for all. If you wish to submit anonymously, the Advocate will honor this and publish these submissions as such. Please email all works to [email protected] using the subject line, “Speaking Up Submission”. Thank you!