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Met Gala 2024: The Garden of Time (and Questionable Outfits)

Get the Highlights of the Annual Night of Celebrity Networking.

Have you ever wanted to watch people who dress like they’re from the “Hunger Games” Capitol doing nothing for a whole night? Regardless of your answer, the world responded with a resounding yes: a record 800,000 people tuned into this year’s Met Gala. The Met Gala is an extremely exclusive invite-only event, with attendees handpicked by gala coordinator Anna Wintour, and has tickets that cost approximately $75,000. The event is primarily a fundraiser for the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, and is an all-night event, with attendees walking the red carpet, touring the institute’s annual exhibits, and being served an extravagant dinner while A-list artists perform.

Perhaps the most culturally relevant aspect of the Met Gala is the red-carpet fashion. Every year, Met attendees are given a specific theme to base their outfits around– and in recent years this has allowed the internet to judge the stylistic sensibilities of the top 1%. The 2024 theme was “The Garden of Time,” inspired by a dark 1962 short story by J.G. Ballard. The tale is centered on Count Axel and his Countess who hide in their luxurious garden as an army bent on destroying their home march closer. Each day, the count plucks a glasslike flower out of his rosebed which delays the army, but as the flowers begin to run out, the aristocrats realize that their time is up. This theme worked in conjunction with the Met institute’s exhibit for, “Sleeping Beauties– Reawakening Fashion.” If you want a quick review of the celebrities’ takes on this theme? Look no further.

Best Dressed



Alia Bhatt:

Alia Bhatt stunned in this saree. The intricate embroidered flowers, vines, and gem detailing took over 1,905 hours of labor and it’s clear to anyone with eyes how much this effort paid off.

Mona Patel:

Mona Patel’s dress was gorgeous, but what put this look over the top and into the “best dressed” category was the animatronic butterflies dotting her arms. The ensemble was completely on theme and stood out in its own right.


With a dress completely covered in sand and an hourglass clutch (playing into the “sands of time” metaphor), Tyla looked like a princess. Despite the dress being so stiff that she had to be carried up the red carpet staircase, Tyla handled her first time at the Gala like a pro.

Elle Fanning:

Inspired by the “glasslike flowers” in the previous story, Elle Fanning’s glass dress was perhaps the most on theme of the entire night. The sculpted flowers on the neckline as well as the flowy train pulled the whole look together.

Lana Del Rey:

Lana Del Rey looked like a whimsical woodland spirit who would fit right into the Garden of Time. Her commitment to the theme was evident with the real tree branches that were holding up the film draped around her.

Most Baffling

Kim Kardashian:

The bottom of this dress is a classic, albeit safe, take on the theme. However, the shrug on top? Despite trying to justify it as “your boyfriend giving you his scarf on a date,” it is a questionable design choice.

Barry Keoghan:

I know the world is enamored by Barry Keoghan right now, but this suit looks like something only the conductor of the Polar Express would wear.

Cara Delegvine:

I can give this dress the benefit of the doubt–perhaps it is inspired by the army marching on the Count and Countess. But I cannot forgive the chainmail hoodie and maxi skirt combination.

Lauren Sánchez:

Lauren Sánchez’s dress is an interesting case. At first glance, it looks pretty, if not a little bland and off-theme. However, the more I look at it, the more I am reminded of the paint on a ceiling flaking off.

Alexandra Michler Kopelman:

This gown 100% resembles a fitted sheet in some American grandmother’s guest bedroom.

Kris Jenner:

The momager, clad in all white was doing a great job at color matching the carpet. Other than that, this all-white ensemble doesn’t have much to note except for the Party City-esque flowers around the collar.


A Sampling of Men in Boring Suits (There Were Too Many to Count):

Steven Yeun

The slight detailing on the sleeves is a deviation from the norm I suppose…

Seth Meyers:

Seth is playing it extremely safe and matching with his wife, Alexi Ashe.

Nicholas Galzantine:

The rising star proves he has what it takes to blend in with all the other A-listers.

Jimmy Fallon:

Jimmy Fallon has the record for the amount of Met Galas attended. My guess is that he also has the record for how many times he’s worn a black suit to the event.

Matt Damon:

Matt Damon’s 36th year in Showbiz and he still refuses to take fashion risks. On the plus side, his wife, Luciana Barroso, looks beautiful (but alas, is not on theme).

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Anagha Devarakonda '26, School and Local Editor

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