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The Student News Site of Albuquerque Academy

The Advocate

The Student News Site of Albuquerque Academy

The Advocate

The Student News Site of Albuquerque Academy

The Advocate

The cast of Bright Star takes a bow after the end of the song "Another Round" before the beginning of Act 2.
An image from last year's musical. Courtesy of Jade Stone '23

Behind the Scenes of Bright Star

Jayraina Montoya ’23, Writer, Journalism Class 2022-2023 April 21, 2022

Academy’s Production of Bright Star had a beautiful two-weekend run. The actors and band shone onstage. However, getting this show to an audience was a months-long process. As the actors in the spotlight...



Elias Arredondo ’23, Writer October 13, 2021

Thespians and theater enthusiasts alike at Academy should be excited for the return of a live in-person performance this week! After nearly two years of suspended and online performances, the Albuquerque...

AA thespians overcome many hurdles to produce As You Like It

AA thespians overcome many hurdles to produce As You Like It

Isabelle Hammond ’23, Writer May 5, 2021

On Thursday, April 22nd, I watched the Albuquerque Academy production of As You Like It, the spring musical produced amidst a global pandemic. The musical, by authors names here and based on the Shakespeare...

As You Like It: The Theatre Department continues to innovate in Covid times

As You Like It: The Theatre Department continues to innovate in Covid times

Elias Arredondo ’23, Writer April 9, 2021

With everyone coming back to school, it seems like things are finally getting back to normal. One of the reappearances is the annual Spring musical. The Albuquerque Academy theater department has worked...

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