Many different places celebrate the New Year in unique ways. New York has its traditional ball drop in Times Square as the New Year hits. Venezuelans eat 12 grapes as clocks toll 12 times to mark midnight. But in Santa Fe, there is a different tradition: every year Santa Feans hold a concert with many different bands, poets or speakers that perform until midnight. People enjoy going to this annual concert held in the state capital’s plaza.
The trees and surrounding buildings are strung with colorful lights, filling the plaza with Christmas spirit. On New Year’s Eve, residents decorate the plaza’s gazebo stage with yet more lights and hang a banner above it. For young and old alike, a snow cone machine and hot cocoa are available, and bonfires light the streets as well as provide warmth in the otherwise crisp, cold air.
Many people enjoy listening to the various performances at the event. Some of the different bands that played this year were Felix y Los Gatos, Alex Maryol Band, and Sol Fire. Poets included Poet Laureate Janna Lopez and Jules Spoken Word Poet. Many people came from all over the country. A woman named Hally traveled from New York with her husband to see Santa Fe. “We are loving it. We’ve seen a couple of live acts tonight and all of the music has been absolutely amazing.” Another couple, Santa Fe locals, came for the first time this year and said they enjoyed the music and especially the warm lights that bathed the plaza and complemented the music ringing in the new year.
From the music to the food to the poets, New Years Eve is celebrated in a fun and thrilling night. With the many contrasting celebrations of New Years, Santa Fe has created a new and enjoyable one.
New Year’s Eve on the Santa Fe Plaza
Lucia Roth ’27, Writer
January 15, 2024
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