What’s Happening in Ukraine?

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Haley Pedersen ’25

Map of the Ukraine conflict. Adapted from public domain image.

Russian Withdrawal from Kherson

On November 16, in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, Russia withdrew its troops in Kherson, a significant setback to Moscow’s campaign to control southern Ukraine. Troops also pulled back from nearby villages in recent days. In March, Russian forces stormed across the Antonivsky Bridge over the Dnipro River and into Kherson City, and it marked their biggest success. In September it was announced that Russia annexed all of the Kherson region and three other Ukrainian territories, a move which was later denounced as illegal. Putin hoped to use the Kherson region as a starting base for a drive farther west to gain access to the port city of Odesa to supply resources to Kherson, but the plan failed. 

As the Russian grip on Kherson became more vulnerable, Ukraine began to coordinate a campaign to isolate Russian forces west of the Dnipro River. Ukrainian forces bombarded the bridge that used to resupply its forces in the city. Last month, in response to the attack, Russian authorities relocated tens of thousands of civilians from the west side of the river to territory held more firmly by Russia, and announced a military withdrawal from the city and the region.

Accident in Poland

Polish officials say that two people died following an explosion last Tuesday in eastern Poland caused by a Russian-made missile striking a village near the Polish border. Poland, a NATO member, states that the missile strike did not appear intentional, and it seemed to be launched by air defense forces in neighboring Ukraine. At the time Russia had been bombarding Ukraine in an attack that ravaged its power grid, and it’s probable that one of their missiles fell on the Polish village. Polish president Andrzej Duda said the Russian-made missile was most likely seized by the Ukrainians while beating back the Kremlin’s invasion forces. 

If Russia had been deliberately targeting Poland, matters could have been much worse and could have risked drawing NATO into the conflict, furthering the war. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the Unoted Nations, blames Russia, and stated, “This is not Ukraine’s fault. Russia bears ultimate responsibility.” Three U. S. officials presume the missile was fired by Ukrainian forces in response to an incoming Russian one.