Heard on the Quad: Student Opinions on Roe v. Wade

What are your thoughts on Roe v. Wade potentially being overturned?

Haley Pedersen ’25

Abortions rights are once again at the forefront of debates in America. With the fate of Roe v. Wade up in the air, how are students feeling about the future of one of the biggest Supreme Court Cases in history?

On May 2, 2022, Politico leaked a draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito disclosing the Supreme Court’s support for overturning one of the most consequential cases in American history: Roe v. Wade. The report has sparked nationwide pushback from pro-choice advocates, while pro-life Americans continue to support putting an end to legal abortion.

In 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that state bans on abortion in the first two trimesters are unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment. It was a decision that continues to divide the country, and the debates about abortion law have proved a fundamental factor in much of present-day politics in America. The downfall of Roe v. Wade could mean new restrictions or bans on abortion in more than 20 states, the further politicization of the judicial branch, and amount to a major victory for anti-abortion Americans.

61% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances, but how do the members of our community feel about it? To answer this question, I asked students and faculty members how they feel about the major development; here’s what they said:


“I think Roe v. Wade is essential. It’s a human right and trying to take it away is bullshit.” – Bella Sanchez ‘24

“Seventy percent of Americans oppose the overturning of Roe v. Wade…if we’re a democracy, it shouldn’t be overturned. Beyond that, the fact that we’re even debating abortion rights is disappointing, especially when third-world countries that we don’t consider to be progressive, are actually moving towards making abortion legal. America is regressing, and it’s sad to watch.” – Anonymous

“This would be terrible because basic rights should be a given. If it gets overturned, people will still get abortions, they just won’t be safe.” – Anonymous

“I think that it is fair, as it won’t stop abortion altogether, but will allow the states to decide what they think should and shouldn’t be allowed. This will end up with many states having very open laws, and many having restrictive laws. While I do have a bias towards the latter, I think that reaching compromise is what is needed on this topic, even if it’s morally wrong to me. I can only hope that our lawmakers make the decision that will be best for our society, and nation as a whole.” – Felipe Gonzalez ‘23

Roe v. Wade potentially being overturned is like taking away a constitutional right. People think women want to get abortions but that’s never the case. Abortions are used for a variety of reasons such as miscarriages that the body can’t take care of itself. Taking away this right will directly affect lower-class women POC that don’t have the right to any procedures like wealthy white women do.” – Leah Lopez ‘26

“It’s unfair. It’s like we’re going back in time.” – Sujina Wilson-Scott ‘24

“It scares the shit out of me. I’m worried about getting raped, and then having to give birth. I’m scared for my little sister. What if she needs an abortion, and ends up dying because she didn’t have access to a safe one?” – Anonymous

“It’s interesting that while other countries move forward, implementing more access to abortions, the U.S. as a world leader is going backward…If you hate abortion you should be absolutely pro-birth control, practically handing it out at Halloween. But the fact that pro-lifers don’t do that shows how misogynistic it all is…I don’t agree with the decision.” – Anonymous

“I feel like it will open up a lot more precedent cases regarding minority rights to be overturned, and I don’t think it would be helping anyone.” – Anonymous

“I believe if Roe v. Wade is overturned, working-class women would be the most affected. In states where abortion is outright banned or restricted, women would still be able to travel to other states where abortion is permitted. However, working-class women wouldn’t have the resources to be able to travel to another state to have the procedure done. Working-class women actually make up the vast majority of abortions. Therefore the overturning of Roe v. Wade would affect the prime demographic of abortions, working-class women.” – Anonymous

“It makes me really worried that the state could have that kind of control over people’s bodies. It also seems like a political decision as opposed to a judicial one, as the reasoning of the original decision was clearly legally sound, therefore it should not be overturned. I worry that this political movement could seriously endanger many people and their children or potential children. Restricted access to abortions could cause many people, especially children, to be plunged into poverty. Lack of autonomy over your medical decisions and body seems like a state of tyranny, whether you believe abortions are morally wrong or not.” – Miriam Hoehn ‘25


I spoke to students of various beliefs but found that many were unwilling to comment on the issue. As the conversation continues both nationally and locally, we here at The Advocate would like to hear your thoughts. Submit your opinion on the matter under “Contact Us” on the home page to have your voice added to this discussion. Please specify if you would like to be anonymous in the space where it asks for your name and email address, or be sure to include your name and graduation year if you would like your name attached to the quote. We look forward to hearing from you.